Creating Community

We live in a world where it seems fewer and fewer people understand community.  Our emphasis on the rights and responsibilities of individuals often separates us, creating a lonely world with little concern for the needs and welfare of others.

I grew up in a church with a strong sense of community.  We were family.  We cared, supported and prayed for each other as well as for others outside our church.  People were drawn to our church by kindness and help received in time of need.  I remember joyous “family celebrations” of marriages, births, graduations, new jobs as well as sad occasions when we gathered to pray for healing for people who were gravely ill or mourn the passing of those near and dear to us.  The prayers of that church sustained me during difficult times and I believe led to a miracle healing when doctors had given up all hope.

I was shocked when I moved away and realized not all churches were like that.  In fact most I encountered were not.  Community is certainly not limited to churches, but I believe that as people of faith we lead by example and showing our love and care for others through community is one way to do that.

Something we have been trying to do with Espirational from the beginning is to create a sense of community for people who can often feel like “spiritual outsiders.”  Living a life true to our calling is not always easy, especially when we may be challenged or ostracized for our beliefs and way of life.

Recently we started The Espirational Community as a Facebook Group where our followers and others on a spiritual path can come together for encouragement and support. Please stop by and introduce yourself.  Invite your friends.  And join us this month on Espirational as our daily quotes during the month of June will focus our attention on community.




Let’s Talk About It

We are talking about Creating Community this month in The Espirational Community on Facebook.  While due to the founders of this site’s personal backgrounds this is a Christ based Website this site and The Espirational Community  is a place for people of all faiths to gather, discuss and praise the God of us all. Please consider this your invitation to join our community and participate in the discussion of this timely topic.

Published by Espirational

Promoting creativity, peace and a positive lifestyle, one thought at a time and having fun along the way.

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