Follower of the Month

In appreciation of our followers we are starting a new feature called Follower of the Month.  Each month one of our followers will have the opportunity to have a guest post here at Espirational.  Details below.

1.  You must be following Espirational either by email or in your reader.

2.  Your guest post may be on the topic of positive thinking, spirituality, healthy living or writing/publishing.

3.  Please no advertising posts.

4.  Our blog posts are brief, so try to keep yours at 150 words or less.

5.  Provide a brief about the author statement which may include up to two links.

6.  If you have a book available on Amazon (Kindle Store included) please let us know so we can add it to our bookstore.

If you are interested in this opportunity let us know using the form on our Contact page.

Published by Espirational

Promoting creativity, peace and a positive lifestyle, one thought at a time and having fun along the way.

3 thoughts on “Follower of the Month

      1. How sweet of you to ask. I will be interested but maybe not now. I am still trying to clear my head. I can’t seem to concentrate too much right now. Keep me in mind though, I appreciate you asking.


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