The Daily Walk

Lakewood Driveway
Copyright 2015 by R.A. Robbins


“Daily walk” is a phrase that is often used to describe our walk with or connection to God.  And that is so very important.

For me it also has an added meaning that is a little more literal and physical but still a part of nurturing the whole of my being — body, mind and spirit.  I actually go outside every morning after yoga practice and walk around the property where we live.  I have to say that this is not drudgery for me.  I love to walk!  I am a third generation walker, following in the footsteps of my mom and grandma.

Here are a few of the reasons why I walk.

For the Love of It!  Yes, I’m one of those weird people who actually thinks hoofin’ it up the hill every morning is fun.  Go figure.

For My Health.  I walk to stay mobile and to stay healthy.  Like many people my age I have a few aches and pains, but I know it would be worse if I stopped moving.  I also walk to keep my heart healthy.  I walk at a rather brisk pace and recently learned that when I complete my entire route I have walked two miles.  YEAH!  I do not walk with the intention of losing weight, but I have dropped a few pounds recently.  With less of me to haul up the hill I am enjoying walking even more.  I also no longer arrive at the top panting and out of breath.  🙂

Quiet Time Surrounded by Beauty.  I walk in the early morning.  Most mornings are quiet around here.  I might meet an occasional dog walker or person going down to the lake to fish, but many days it is just me.  For about half of my walk I have the magnificent view of the lake.  I can also hear the birds as I walk.  This is a wonderful time to practice mindfulness by staying with the present moment as I walk.

I walk alone but if motivation is a problem for you recruit a friend, family member or even the family dog to go with you.  The most important thing is to move.

Does your “daily walk” include a daily walk? There are many reasons to walk.  What are a few of yours?  Let me know in the comments below.


Published by Espirational

Promoting creativity, peace and a positive lifestyle, one thought at a time and having fun along the way.

4 thoughts on “The Daily Walk

  1. I also love to walk, though it is not a daily thing. My main motivation is “eye candy” I’m blessed to live in an area with lakes and trees – God speaks through his creation.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My apologies for the lateness this morning. Sometimes I get the time set wrong. I am waiting for my ride to the eye doctor in town so it’s a good thing I decided to check the blog before I left. 🙂


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