Tools for Defeating Fear: Meditation

Meditation is always important, but especially when we find ourselves going up against fear.  Many of these tools I will talk about are things we need to grow and cultivate so they will become a natural part of our lives, available when we need them.  Fear, desperation and turmoil certainly can drive us to these practices  There is never a bad time to start learning, but we cannot expect to have full knowledge of or the ability to use these tools immediately.  It all takes time, so be patient.  It will be worth it.

Meditation means different things to different people and there are many different methods and techniques available.  Perhaps the easiest way to begin is simply by following the breath as it goes in and out.  This is sometimes called “mindfulness of breathing” and will slow down and calm both the body and mind.

Meditation is something that can be practiced by people of any or no religious tradition.  My meditation practice is a part of my religious practice, where we enter into the silence and experience the presence of God, but yours might be quite different.

There is such a thing as “guided meditation.”  This is another tool and it is one that I sometimes use.  These are often scripted and read.  It is easy to become dependent on these words and the tone and delivery style of the teacher.  So, if you use these be sure you are also practicing meditation on your own.  The teacher, video or podcast might not be there in time of crisis.

In the crazy world we live in, we all need to stop, be still and remember who we are.  Start developing your meditation practice now and it will be there for you when you need it.

For more information on meditation check our 101+ Positive Resources page.

Published by Espirational

Promoting creativity, peace and a positive lifestyle, one thought at a time and having fun along the way.

6 thoughts on “Tools for Defeating Fear: Meditation

      1. I hope this helps. I find a one minute prayer helps both me and my son during any difficult time and we sit quietly and turn off all distractions. 1 minute is a long time for a kid and helps to center. At night before sleep talking about all the things we have to be greatful for is good and then finishing with this small prayer
        ” I have done my best
        Please grant me rest”
        I say this to the young ones.
        “Dont be afraid, history shows us that humans have always had difficult challenges. Jesus wants you to focus on your school work, and finding things you enjoy doing”


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