Love in any Language

As an American I am deeply concerned about the fear, anger, hatred and violence that seems to be overtaking our country during this election year.  I am human and it is not easy to resist giving into fear.  Sometimes it seems that there is no way to heal our country and bring us back together, but love is always the answer and love is always the way.

Tonight I have this song on my heart.  I have chosen this version by the remarkable Sandi Patty to share here.  Let’s listen to these beautiful words and resolve to keep plugging away sending out positive energy and spreading love instead of fear.  It won’t be easy, but love is always the way.

Published by Espirational

Promoting creativity, peace and a positive lifestyle, one thought at a time and having fun along the way.

8 thoughts on “Love in any Language

  1. Do not despair and remember for every blog post and comment there is a statistically large number of people reading and nodding in agreement. Humans are awful sometimes but are also good problem solvers and have the ability to be compassionate. Fear makes us behave badly . Your blog has been a voice of reason to me when I start losing it to fear. Jesus said “love one another” Learning to love or at least tolerate each other goes beyond the moral or feel good vibes. It is about our very survival as a species. Your blog reminds us of that too. Can we evolve beyond war? We can try. XXX


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